Posts Tagged with "sanctification"

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How Do Believers Respond to the Moral Law?

How do believers respond to the moral law?...

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The Basic Function of the Law

The basic function of the law never changes. What is this function? Read on to find out....

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Ten Propositions in Response to Lordship Salvation

Ten propositions in response to Lordship Salvation from the book, Christ the Lord: The Reformation and Lordship Salvation....

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Holiness is not an Option for the Christian

Holiness is not an option for a Christian. ...

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Justification and a Divided Church

Justification and a Divided Church- Michael Horton discusses the two distinct positions on justification that continue to divide Protestants and the Roman Catholic Church....

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We Receive A Double Grace

In partaking of Christ by grace alone through faith alone, we receive a double grace, namely justification and sanctification. ...

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 11

Detailed outline of Chapter 11 in The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification...

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Appendix

Detailed outline of the Appendix in The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification...

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 14

Detailed outline of Chapter 14 in The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification...

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 12

Detailed outline of Chapter 12 in The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification...

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 10

Detailed outline of Chapter 10 in The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification...

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 9

Detailed outline of Chapter 9 in The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification...

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 7


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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 8

Detailed outline of Chapter 8 in The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification...

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 6, Part 2


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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 6, Part 1

Detailed outline of Chapter 6 in The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification...

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 5

Detailed outline of Chapter 5 in The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification...

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 1

Detailed chapter outlines of Walter Marshall's book, The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification....

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 2

Detailed outline of Chapter 2 in The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification...

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 4

Detailed outline of Chapter 4 in The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification...

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 3

Detailed outline of Chapter 3 in The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification...

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Keeping Baptism Central: How Baptism Transforms Our Daily Lives

To their detriment, it never occurs to a great deal of believers that their baptism has application to their current daily walk. This paper is written to help believers view their baptism as more than an event that happened in their past and to consider how the Scriptures set forth the benefits of baptism for the believer’s daily life....

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"Christ is not divided. You cannot have half a Christ."

Walter Marshall on how true saving faith embraces Christ for both justification and sanctification. He shows that God's grace is twofold (i.e., the duplex [twofold] beneficium [benefit]). Justification is the first benefit (beneficium) and sanctification is the second benefit (beneficium). ...

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Michael Horton: What the Third Use of the Law Can and Cannot Do

Michael Horton on what the third use of the law can and cannot do....

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The Mountain of Law vs. The Mountain of Grace

In Hebrews 12:18-24, the author of Hebrews expresses deep concern about where his readers stand in relation to the God who asks, “Adam, where are you?” To prevent his readers from a calamitous reversion to Jewish beliefs and practices, the author of Hebrews sets forth two contrasting relationships with God, determined by two antithetical covenants. By contrasting the...

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Good-Day, Bad-Day and the Covenant of Grace

Why is the covenant of grace important for the Christian life? We will consider two radically different days in a Christian's life to understand....

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Dishonoring the Spirit?

Does placing primary emphasis upon justification for assurance understate the importance and necessity of good works (i.e., sanctification)? Does this emphasis dishonor the Holy Spirit’s indwelling work?...

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Theodore Beza on how the Gospel changes the effect of the preaching of the Law in believers

Theodore Beza on how the Gospel changes the effect of the preaching of the Law in believers....

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Confusing Law and Gospel: A Review of David Platt's book, Radical.

A review of David Platt's book, Radical: Taking Back Your Faith From The American Dream....

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