Posts Tagged with "evangelicalism"

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Don’t just go to church, be the church!- right?

It is often said, "Don’t just go to church, be the church!"- right? ...

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Martin Luther and how Evangelicalism Departed from its Reformation Roots

John Wesley

My argument is this: By the year 1700, Protestant Christianity had begun developing significantly new practices and understandings of the Christian faith that focused upon Christian renewal, conversion, new birth and the coming millennial kingdom. These new practices and understandings were a dramatic departure not only from Roman Catholic Christianity, but also from the o...

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We Cannot Command Other People to Live or Do the Gospel

Graeme Goldsworthy explains how we do not live but rather proclaim and believe the gospel....

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Revisiting "Every Member a Minister"

There is only one "ministry" but there are multiple vocations. All believers are sheep but not all believers are shepherds. All believers are priests, not all are pastors. All believers have been called by Christ to saving faith but not all believers have been called and entrusted with the one ministry of Christ's church, namely Word and sacrament. All believers are equipp...

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Misquoting Moses and Viruses

New covenant believers are not under the Mosaic covenant. Therefore, calls for prayer based on the Mosaic (old) covenant during a worldwide pandemic is wrong and should be abandoned. Through Christ, the Mediator of a better (new) covenant, we have been given a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled ...

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Evangelicalism and the Priority of Parachurch Institutions

Carl Trueman on how evangelicalism prioritizes parachurch institutions over and above the church. ...

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Clarifying, “ecclesia reformata, semper reformanda”

Martin Davie clarifying the often misunderstood post-World War II Latin phrase, “ecclesia reformata, semper reformanda."...

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Andy Stanley, Marcion, and the Bible

According to Andy Stanley, the 21st century church must “unhitch the Christian faith from their Jewish scriptures.” Is this correct? No! We know this from Jesus' attitude towards the Old Testament, as well as the Apostles' and NT writers. We also object to Stanley's suggestion because of the nature of progressive revelation and the Scriptures central witness to Christ ...

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The Collapsing of the Covenants: Narrow is the Way that Leads to Destruction

Collapsing the covenants into one overarching theme of grace confuses law and gospel and effectively eliminates an explicit law-gospel distinction in Scripture....

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