"Christ is not divided. You cannot have half a Christ."


"Christ is not divided. You cannot have half a Christ."

". . . holiness is an absolutely necessary part of the salvation that you have received through faith in Christ. Some people are so steeped in a legalistic covenant of works, they accuse us of saying that good works have no place in salvation. They accuse us of this because we do not make good works the condition that earns us a relationship with Christ, and we do not make good works the actions that prepare us to receive Christ by faith. . . 

Now, make sure you do not misunderstand this. Holiness is not a means to an end- your good works do not save you. Rather, holiness is part of the end itself- you were saved in order to do good works, 'which God prepared in advance that you should walk in them' (Ephesians 2:10). Good works do not achieve salvation. Good works are the fruits and results of saving faith. . .

Holiness in this life is a necessary part of your salvation because it makes you fit to be 'partakers of the inheritance of the saints in heavenly light' and glory. And 'without holiness you can never see God' (Hebrews 12;14). Without holiness, you will never be fit for God's glorious presence- just as swine can never be fit to enter into the throne room of an earthly king. . .

What a strange salvation it is, if people who are saved do not care about holiness! . . Those who think they have received a salvation such as this abuse the grace of God in Christ, and turn it into license for sin. They want to be saved, but they also want to remain in a fleshly state, with a fleshly lifestyle. 

This is simply not how salvation works! The only people Christ frees from condemnation are those who are 'in Christ, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit' (Romans 8:1-4). If this were not the case, people would divide Christ. They would take one part of his salvation, and leave out the rest. However, 'Christ is not divided' (1 Corinthians 1:13). You cannot have half a Christ. . .

True gospel faith makes you come to Christ with a great thirst, that you might 'drink of living water'- by which Christ means his sanctifying Spirit (John 7:37-38). True gospel faith makes you cry out earnestly for God to save you- not only from hell but from sin as well. 'Create in me a clean heart, Oh, God, and renew a right spirit within me' (Psalm 51:10). When you seek salvation by faith in Christ, holiness is a major part of the salvation that Christ freely gives you. You cannot divide salvation. You cannot have the forgiveness of Christ without the holiness of Christ!"

Walter Marshall, The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification, 112-116