May 5, 2023
by John Fonville
Gospel-centered Hermeneutic
| Tags: gospel, law and gospel, faith, good works, moralism, martin luther, Jesus as example, gospel-centered hermeneutic, Jesus as Gift, grace and gratitude, Reformation theology
This writing of Martin Luther is from the introduction to his “Postils” (a group of model sermons which he wrote while at the Wartburg Castle). This brief foreword is full of comfort and good news. In it, Luther sets forth insightful instruction on how to read the Gospels (and the entirety of Scripture- the OT and NT)....
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April 5, 2022
by John Fonville
Law of God
| Tags: sanctification, law and gospel, good works, obedience, justification, ten commandments, moral law, law of God, fruit of the Spirit, three uses of the law
The basic function of the law never changes. What is this function? Read on to find out....
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November 5, 2021
by John Fonville
Reformation Anglicanism
| Tags: justification, sola fide, solus christus, sola gratia, Reformation Anglicanism, Katherine Parr, good works
In her book, The Lamentation of a Sinner, Katherine Parr recounts her conversion to the truth of the gospel of justification by grace, through faith, in Christ alone....
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October 24, 2021
by John Fonville
Lordship Salvation
| Tags: good works, faith, repentance, Reformation, King, Rod Rosenbladt, lordship salvation, justification, michael horton, assurance, faith alone, grace alone, Christ alone, prophet, priest, W. Robert Godfrey, Kim Riddlebarger
Ten propositions in response to Lordship Salvation....
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June 22, 2021
by John Fonville
| Tags: good works, imputed righteousness, Union with Christ, justification
Since our best works in this life are all imperfect and defiled with sin how can they be accepted by God?...
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October 13, 2017
by John Fonville
| Tags: sanctification, good works, assurance, moralism, inherent righteousness, covenant of grace, antinomianism, justification, Holy Spirit, Union with Christ, antecedent conditions, consequent conditions, duplex beneficium, substance of the covenant, imputed righteousness
Does placing primary emphasis upon justification for assurance understate the importance and necessity of good works (i.e., sanctification)? Does this emphasis dishonor the Holy Spirit’s indwelling work?...
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July 26, 2017
by John Fonville
| Tags: gospel, sanctification, faith, good works, preaching, assurance, law, Holy Spirit, Total Depravity, Prayer, Union with Christ, Regeneration, new nature, curse of the Law, disposition
Theodore Beza on how the Gospel changes the effect of the preaching of the Law in believers....
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November 19, 2015
by John Fonville
| Tags: david platt, radical, missional, francis chan, missions, evangelism, cross-bearing, sanctification, law and gospel, repentance, faith, good works
A review of David Platt's book, Radical: Taking Back Your Faith From The American Dream....
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