How Do Believers Respond to the Moral Law?
How do believers respond to the moral law?...
Keep ReadingJune 27, 2021 by John Fonville
Richard Sibbes discussing the Christ-centered focus of all the Scriptures....
February 28, 2020 by John Fonville
Richard Sibbes: The Glory of God is Greatest in the Gospel...
February 25, 2020 by John Fonville
Michael Horton on what the third use of the law can and cannot do....
February 25, 2020 by John Fonville
Gerald Bray: "'What would Jesus do?’ seems like an innocent question to ask, but it is impossible to answer literally and does not reflect the teaching of the New Testament. ...
February 24, 2020 by John Fonville
The late 16th century Anglican pastor/theologian, William Perkins, on seven differences between the law and gospel....
February 21, 2020 by John Fonville
No Creed But The Bible?- Carl Trueman on the unbiblical creedal statement, "The bible is our only creed and our only confession."...
February 20, 2020 by John Fonville
Philip Schaff: The 39 Articles are found in every collection of Reformed confessions....
November 19, 2015 by John Fonville
A review of David Platt's book, Radical: Taking Back Your Faith From The American Dream....
November 10, 2015 by John Fonville
George Hunsinger shows how Jonathan Edwards crosses the fine line laid down by the Reformation concerning justification sola fide. Edwards taught that works are not simply external evidence that faith exists. Rather, works are necessary to the efficacy of faith. Works, as the external expression of faith, play a role in justification....
April 5, 2022 by John Fonville | Category: Gospel-driven | Tags: third use of the law, Normative, guide, grace-driven obedience, evangelical obedience, justification, sanctification, christian life, holiness, obedience, promise, guilt offering, thank offering,
How do believers respond to the moral law?...
Keep ReadingMarch 22, 2022 by John Fonville | Category: Lordship Salvation | Tags: sanctification, repentance, faith, obedience, holiness, assurance, moralism, michael horton, righteousness, justification, lordship salvation, sola fide, solus christus, sola gratia, soli deo gloria, Love, Regeneration, Knowledge, Trust, King, prophet, priest, assent, affections, Protestant Reformation, duplex beneficium
Ten propositions in response to Lordship Salvation from the book, Christ the Lord: The Reformation and Lordship Salvation....
Keep ReadingFebruary 4, 2022 by John Fonville | Category: Christian Living | Tags: sanctification, obedience, holiness, justification, lordship salvation, guilt, Bondage, Corruption, Holy, christian life, condemnation, righteous, duplex beneificium, sanctified, reconciled
Holiness is not an option for a Christian. ...
Keep ReadingJune 23, 2020 by John Fonville | Tags: repentance, obedience, holiness, Holy Spirit, higher life, surrender, J.I. Packer, Keswick theology, pneumatology
J.I. Packer on Four Problems of Keswick Teaching ...
Keep ReadingJune 12, 2020 by John Fonville | Tags: sanctification, holiness, justification, walter marshall, antecedent conditions, consequent conditions, duplex beneficium, progressive sanctification
Walter Marshall on how true saving faith embraces Christ for both justification and sanctification. He shows that God's grace is twofold (i.e., the duplex [twofold] beneficium [benefit]). Justification is the first benefit (beneficium) and sanctification is the second benefit (beneficium). ...
Keep ReadingOctober 9, 2018 by John Fonville | Tags: sanctification, hebrews, perseverance, obedience, holiness, adam, judgment, jews, jewish, old covenant, new covenant, jesus, mediator, assurance, covenant theology
In Hebrews 12:18-24, the author of Hebrews expresses deep concern about where his readers stand in relation to the God who asks, “Adam, where are you?” To prevent his readers from a calamitous reversion to Jewish beliefs and practices, the author of Hebrews sets forth two contrasting relationships with God, determined by two antithetical covenants. By contrasting the...
Keep Reading