Paramount Blog
Carl Trueman on the Meaning of Sola Scriptura
June 12, 2024 by John Fonville
Carl Trueman clarifies a common misconception that is popular among Evangelicals concerning the Protestant Reformation doctrine of sola scriptura....
Prayer Book Statements About Regeneration
July 26, 2023 by John Fonville
J.C. Ryle answers the common arguments in favor of “Baptismal Regeneration,” which are based on the Baptismal Service of the Prayer-book. ...
The Sacraments as Visible Words
July 14, 2023 by John Fonville
J.V. Fesko on the sacraments as visible words- a visible proclamation of the gospel....
The Word of God: The Chief Means of Grace
July 13, 2023 by John Fonville
J.V. Fesko on the Word of God as the chief means of grace. ...
The Death of Christ: The Only True Purgatory
July 7, 2023 by John Fonville
Martin Davie explains from the homily, ‘Of Prayer’ in the Second Book of Homilies, how the English Reformers taught that the only true purgatory is the death of Christ and no other purgation is either necessary or possible....
Why Use Written Prayers?
May 15, 2023 by John Fonville
Why Use Written Prayers?- Why does your church use prewritten prayers in your service? Isn't this a dry, rote, unthinking, way for the church to pray and worship? Don't pre-written prayers stifle the Spirit and hinder freedom and promote mechanical, vain repetition? Aren't spontaneous prayers more genuine and heartfelt than prewritten prayers? ...
Martin Luther on How to Read the Gospels (Scripture)
May 5, 2023 by John Fonville
This writing of Martin Luther is from the introduction to his “Postils” (a group of model sermons which he wrote while at the Wartburg Castle). This brief foreword is full of comfort and good news. In it, Luther sets forth insightful instruction on how to read the Gospels (and the entirety of Scripture- the OT and NT)....
Martin Luther and how Evangelicalism Departed from its Reformation Roots
August 25, 2022 by John Fonville
My argument is this: By the year 1700, Protestant Christianity had begun developing significantly new practices and understandings of the Christian faith that focused upon Christian renewal, conversion, new birth and the coming millennial kingdom. These new practices and understandings were a dramatic departure not only from Roman Catholic Christianity, but also from the original Reformation convictions of Martin Luther and John Calvin some one hundred and fifty years earlier. Evangelical Christianity, of the free church variety especially, is the contemporary expression of this third form of Christianity. Probably most Evangelicals are unaware that their Christian experience and piety are far removed from Reformation Protestant beginnings. Evangelicals would do well to recover their lost heritage....
Martin Luther's Primary Concern in Liturgical Reformation
August 20, 2022 by John Fonville
Martin Luther's primary concern when constructing the German mass and order of the liturgy in 1526 was that the gospel be proclaimed for the people in their context....
Worthy Reception of the Lord's Supper
July 28, 2022 by John Fonville
Martin Luther on the worthy reception of the Lord's Supper....
Infant Baptism and Discipleship
July 27, 2022 by John Fonville
Infant baptism sets Christian discipleship from birth within a covenant context, which means means to understand discipleship as something connected to the ordinary means of God’s grace and the routine work of the church....
Richard Sibbes: The Scope of the Whole Scriptures is Christ
June 27, 2021 by John Fonville
Richard Sibbes discussing the Christ-centered focus of all the Scriptures....
Richard Sibbes: The Glory of God is Greatest in the Gospel
February 28, 2020 by John Fonville
Richard Sibbes: The Glory of God is Greatest in the Gospel...
Michael Horton: What the Third Use of the Law Can and Cannot Do
February 25, 2020 by John Fonville
Michael Horton on what the third use of the law can and cannot do....
Gerald Bray: WWJD is Impossible to Answer
February 25, 2020 by John Fonville
Gerald Bray: "'What would Jesus do?’ seems like an innocent question to ask, but it is impossible to answer literally and does not reflect the teaching of the New Testament. ...
William Perkins on Seven Differences between the Law and Gospel
February 24, 2020 by John Fonville
The late 16th century Anglican pastor/theologian, William Perkins, on seven differences between the law and gospel....
No Creed But The Bible?
February 21, 2020 by John Fonville
No Creed But The Bible?- Carl Trueman on the unbiblical creedal statement, "The bible is our only creed and our only confession."...
Philip Schaff: The 39 Articles Are Reformed
February 20, 2020 by John Fonville
Philip Schaff: The 39 Articles are found in every collection of Reformed confessions....
Confusing Law and Gospel: A Review of David Platt's book, Radical.
November 19, 2015 by John Fonville
A review of David Platt's book, Radical: Taking Back Your Faith From The American Dream....
Dispositional Soteriology: Jonathan Edwards on Justification by Faith Alone
November 10, 2015 by John Fonville
George Hunsinger shows how Jonathan Edwards crosses the fine line laid down by the Reformation concerning justification sola fide. Edwards taught that works are not simply external evidence that faith exists. Rather, works are necessary to the efficacy of faith. Works, as the external expression of faith, play a role in justification....
- Sanctification 16
- Liturgy 7
- Justification 5
- Ecclesiology 3
- Sacraments 3
- Christian Living 3
- 1662 BCP 2
- Anglican Formularies 2
- Lordship Salvation 2
- Preaching 2
- Morning and Evening Prayer 1
- Adoption 1
- Creeds and Confessions 1
- Idolatry 1
- Infant Baptism 1
- Lord's Supper 1
- German Pietism 1
- Anglicanism 1
- A Commination 1
- Holy Week 1
- Gospel-centered Hermeneutic 1
- Means of Grace 1
- Five Solas 1
- Gospel-driven 1
- Law of God 1
- Three Uses of the Law 1
- St. Patrick 1
- Uncategorized 1
- Forgiveness 1
- Reformation Anglicanism 1
- Protestant Reformation 1
- Law and Gospel 1
- Confessional Anglicanism 1
- Covenant Theology 1
- Assurance 1
- Discipleship 1
- sanctification 29
- means of grace 27
- justification 22
- law and gospel 20
- gospel-centered 17
- gospel-driven 17
- gospel 17
- walter marshall 16
- Means of Gratitude 15
- paramount church 15
- Reformation Anglicanism 15
- the gospel mystery of sanctification 15
- john fonville 14
- grace 13
- Protestant Reformation 12
- sacraments 12
- john calvin 12
- assurance 11
- obedience 10
- faith 10
- sola fide 10
- Liturgy 9
- Holy Spirit 9
- Reformation 9
- good works 8
- Thomas Cranmer 8
- baptism 8
- evangelicalism 8
- moralism 8
- covenant of grace 8
- repentance 7
- law 7
- Mercy 7
- new covenant 7
- sola gratia 7
- righteousness 6
- holiness 6
- Book of Common Prayer 6
- theodore beza 6
- covenant of works 6
- legalism 6
- graeme goldsworthy 6
- martin luther 6
- promise 6
- solus christus 6
- preaching 6
- michael horton 5
- covenant theology 5
- Reformed 5
- Prayer 5
- Holy Communion 5
- duplex beneficium 5
- Geneva 5
- Salvation 5
- Anglican 5
- mosaic covenant 5
- Anglican Formularies 5
- lordship salvation 5
- old covenant 5
- worship 5
- zacharias ursinus 4
- 1662 Book of Common Prayer 4
- soli deo gloria 4
- christian life 4
- priest 4
- judgment 4
- Regeneration 4
- faith alone 4
- Reformation Sunday 4
- Lord's Supper 4
- Richard Sibbes 4
- sola scriptura 4
- Ecclesiology 4
- 1662 BCP 4
- Thirty Nine Articles 4
- heidelberg catechism 4
- inherent righteousness 4
- imputed righteousness 4
- evangelism 3
- moses 3
- mediator 3
- three uses of the law 3
- abrahamic covenant 3
- law of God 3
- comfort 3
- missions 3
- Reformed confession 3
- reformed theology 3
- English Reformers 3
- Visible Gospel 3
- Church of England 3
- King 3
- Authority 3
- presbyter 3
- Hugh Latimer 3
- sacrament 3
- guide 3
- resurrection 3
- Anglican church 3
- The Book of Homilies 3
- J.I. Packer 3
- Elder 3
- antinomianism 3
- Union with Christ 3
- Love 2
- direct act of faith 2
- Discipleship 2
- sacerdos 2
- material cause 2
- election 2
- EFS 2
- ministry 2
- Richard Hooker 2
- missional 2
- Oxford movement 2
- eternal subordination of the Son 2
- Predestination 2
- imputation 2
- infant baptism 2
- Ireland 2
- israel 2
- hermeneutics 2
- J.V. Fesko 2
- James Ussher 2
- Old Testament 2
- Jerry Bridges 2
- guilt 2
- Gratitude 2
- jesus 2
- grace alone 2
- Eucharist 2
- Normative 2
- Priesthood 2
- Glory of God 2
- prophet 2
- propitiation 2
- Protestant Reformers 2
- Oxford Martyrs 2
- forgiveness 2
- redemption 2
- reflex act of faith 2
- legal preaching 2
- expository preaching 2
- Reformation Anglican 2
- galatians 2
- ESS 2
- merit 2
- Anglicanism 2
- confession of sin 2
- creedalism 2
- Scripture alone 2
- William Perkins 2
- Self-examination 2
- Subordinationism 2
- substance of the covenant 2
- Catechizing 2
- 5 Solas 2
- Ancient Church 2
- antecedent conditions 2
- ten commandments 2
- Wayne Grudem 2
- Christ-centered hermeneutic 2
- consequent conditions 2
- Visible Church 2
- Trinity 2
- Creeds and Confessions 2
- Confession 2
- baptismal regeneration 2
- spiritual growth 2
- 10 commandments 2
- wwjd 2
- third use of the law 2
- Anglican basics 2
- 39 Articles 2
- Word of God 2
- Word and Sacrament 2
- St. Patrick 2
- blessing 2
- Christ alone 2
- Trinitarian Heresies 1
- Trust 1
- office of preaching 1
- Of Purgatory 1
- typology 1
- nt wright 1
- opus Dei (God's Work) 1
- Trinitarian Errors 1
- Unbelief 1
- Trinity College 1
- treaty ratification 1
- ordination 1
- orders 1
- Paedocommunion 1
- Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion (1571) 1
- paternity 1
- pastoral ministry 1
- thomas boston 1
- passive obedience of christ 1
- passive obedience 1
- Thomas Watson 1
- Papists 1
- Palm Sunday 1
- paedobaptism 1
- Ordinal 1
- Three-legged Stool 1
- timothy george 1
- Total Depravity 1
- Tracts for the Times 1
- Owen Strachan 1
- tradition 1
- treasury of merit 1
- Ordinary Office 1
- ordinances 1
- ordinance 1
- Nowell's Catechism 1
- non-separatist 1
- norming norm 1
- monocovenantal 1
- Westminster Shorter Catechism 1
- Westminster Standards 1
- Morning Prayer 1
- white horse inn 1
- Morning & Evening Prayer 1
- William Paul Young 1
- morality 1
- witness 1
- moral law 1
- Moore Theological College 1
- modern reformation 1
- mount hagar 1
- Modalism 1
- womanhood 1
- mission 1
- mirror 1
- works 1
- worthy reception 1
- Wrath 1
- Ministerial Authority 1
- minister 1
- Michael Jensen 1
- mount calvary 1
- mount sinai 1
- normed norms 1
- Nicene Christianity 1
- normative use 1
- unconditional covenant 1
- norman shepherd 1
- norma normata 1
- norma normans 1
- Thirty-nine Articles of Religion 1
- Universal Reconciliation 1
- non-conformists 1
- universalism 1
- Nicholas Ridley 1
- new perspective on paul 1
- Westminster Larger Catechism 1
- new nature 1
- new covenant obedience 1
- Via Media 1
- victory 1
- new birth 1
- nations 1
- music 1
- movements 1
- mount zion 1
- W. Robert Godfrey 1
- W.H. Griffith Thomas 1
- Peace 1
- sanctified 1
- pedagogical 1
- Reformation theology 1
- Renewal paradigm 1
- self-righteousness 1
- Shepherd 1
- reforming 1
- sign 1
- Reformed conformity 1
- Reformed confessions 1
- sin 1
- singing 1
- slave 1
- sola Fidea 1
- restrain 1
- Reformation solas 1
- Reformation paradigm 1
- solo Christo 1
- Reformation liturgy 1
- Reformation liturgies 1
- Reformation Day 1
- solo Scriptura 1
- Reformation confessions 1
- Son 1
- Reformation Anglican Worship 1
- self-maledictory oath 1
- self-justification 1
- Reformation 500 1
- Scott Swain 1
- Sacrifice 1
- sanctions 1
- sacramental theology 1
- Sacrament of the Altar 1
- scholastic piety 1
- scholastic theology 1
- sacrament of imitation 1
- sacrament of covenant ratification 1
- scott clark 1
- sacerdotalism 1
- royal grant 1
- self justification 1
- Rome 1
- Roman Catholicism 1
- Roman Catholic Church 1
- roman catholic 1
- scottish covenant theology 1
- Rod Rosenbladt 1
- robert traill 1
- righteousness of Christ 1
- righteous 1
- scripture 1
- seal 1
- son of god 1
- son of man 1
- pedagogical use 1
- The Sunday Next Before Easter 1
- table 1
- presbyterianism 1
- thank offering 1
- The Creedal Imperative 1
- The Gorham Judgment 1
- precomposed prayers 1
- preamble 1
- the gospel coalition 1
- The Great Commission 1
- The Shack 1
- praying 1
- t david gordon 1
- practical theology 1
- pneumatology 1
- Thirty Nine Articles of Religion 1
- sailing 1
- Piety 1
- Thirty-Nine Articles (1571) 1
- pietistic nomism 1
- pietist studies 1
- personal properties 1
- perseverance 1
- prewritten prayer 1
- suzerainty treaty 1
- sonship 1
- radical 1
- sorrow 1
- soulus Christus 1
- special grace 1
- reconciliation 1
- reconciled 1
- reading of Scripture 1
- rc sproul 1
- rationalism 1
- ralph erskine 1
- radical Reformation 1
- quarantine 1
- surrender 1
- public reading of Scripture 1
- public profession 1
- spontaneous prayer 1
- St. Patrick's Day 1
- Protestant confessions 1
- stipulations 1
- Submission 1
- progressive sanctification 1
- Privy Council 1
- Priests 1
- priestly absolution 1
- pledge 1
- preaching 1
- Michael Green 1
- conscience 1
- covenantal nomism 1
- covenant of redemption 1
- covenant of promise 1
- covenant of law 1
- covenant curses 1
- covenant blessings 1
- Counter Reformation 1
- Council of Trent 1
- Corruption 1
- corporate worship 1
- Coronavirus 1
- conviction 1
- Conversion 1
- consolation 1
- conformist 1
- creed 1
- confirmation 1
- confessions 1
- confession of sins 1
- conditional covenant 1
- condemnation 1
- Commination 1
- collect 1
- coalitions 1
- civil use 1
- church polity 1
- church planting 1
- Church Officers 1
- Church office 1
- church 1
- creeds 1
- Christian living 1
- divine service 1
- efficient cause 1
- Edward Pusey 1
- ecclesia reformata semper reformanda 1
- ebenezer erskine 1
- Easter Even 1
- Easter Day 1
- duplex beneificium 1
- Dublin 1
- Douglas Shantz 1
- double grace 1
- Doctrine of Vocation 1
- divine will 1
- divine simplicity 1
- divine service 1
- dispositional soteriology 1
- cross-bearing 1
- disposition 1
- depression 1
- deposit of the treaty 1
- delbert hillers 1
- defeat 1
- Death 1
- Deacons 1
- davidic covenant 1
- david van drunen 1
- david platt 1
- Daily Office 1
- cut a covenant 1
- curse of the Law 1
- curse 1
- Christology 1
- Christian Freedom 1
- enemy 1
- adamic covenant 1
- Anglican confession of faith 1
- Andy Stanley 1
- andrew mcgowan 1
- anathema 1
- Anabaptists 1
- An English Prayer Book 1
- altar 1
- already but not yet 1
- Alexander Nowell 1
- affections 1
- Aesop's Fables 1
- adult baptism 1
- Adoption 1
- administration of the gospel 1
- adamic administration 1
- Anglican identity 1
- adam 1
- active obedience of christ 1
- active obedience 1
- A Reformed Catholicke 1
- A Golden Chaine 1
- A Commination 1
- 39 Articles of Religion; Anglican Formularies; Reformed confession 1
- 39 Articles of Religion 1
- 2 Corinthians 1
- 19th Century 1
- 1662 BCP Lectionary 1
- 1662 BCP IE 1
- 1552 Book of Common Prayer 1
- 1517 1
- Anglican Foundations 1
- Anglican piety 1
- Christ's obedience 1
- Book of Homilies 1
- Christ's death 1
- Christ 1
- Charles Wesley 1
- Charles Hodge 1
- catholicity 1
- catholic faith 1
- catholic 1
- Catechist 1
- Catechism 1
- Carl Trueman 1
- Canterbury Tales 1
- C. FitzSimon Allison 1
- bryan estelle 1
- Bruce Ware 1
- Bondage 1
- anticonfessionalism 1
- atonement 1
- Article 22 1
- Article 22 Of Purgatory 1
- Ash Wednesday 1
- aspiration 1
- assent 1
- Athanasian Creed 1
- auricular confession 1
- Bishops 1
- belgic confession 1
- ben peays 1
- benjamin franklin 1
- Biblical theology 1
- biblicism 1
- Bibliology 1
- Egalitarianism 1
- English Medieval Church 1
- messianic administration 1
- Jeremiah 31 1
- judaizers 1
- Jonathan Edwards 1
- John Wesley 1
- john piper 1
- john murray 1
- John Keble 1
- John Hooper 1
- John Henry Newman 1
- john colquhoun 1
- jews 1
- jewish 1
- jesus christ 1
- Jesus as Gift 1
- Jesus as example 1
- J.C. Ryle 1
- "live the gospel" 1
- invocation 1
- instrumental cause 1
- Institutes of the Christian Religion 1
- inspiration 1
- Inheritance 1
- infused righteousness 1
- Indicative and Imperative 1
- indicative 1
- incarnation 1
- imperative 1
- immortal 1
- imitation of Christ 1
- images 1
- Idolatry 1
- justice of God 1
- justified 1
- Holy Week 1
- Louis Berkhof 1
- meredith kline 1
- Medieval Church 1
- means of judgment 1
- Mass 1
- marvelous exchange 1
- Martin Davie 1
- Marks of the Church 1
- Mark Earngey 1
- Mark Chapman 1
- Marcionism 1
- Marcion 1
- manhood 1
- male and female relationships 1
- Magisterial Authority 1
- Lord's Day 1
- Katherine Parr 1
- Liturgist 1
- liturgical reformation 1
- Liturgical 1
- lex orandi lex credendi 1
- lex credendi lex orandi 1
- Lent 1
- lament 1
- Lambeth Conference 1
- Knowledge 1
- Kingdom of God 1
- kingdom 1
- kindness 1
- Kim Riddlebarger 1
- Keswick theology 1
- Hope 1
- Holy Saturday 1
- English Methodism 1
- Evening Prayer 1
- francis chan 1
- formal cause 1
- forensic 1
- Five Solas 1
- final cause 1
- filiation 1
- Fifth Century 1
- federal theology 1
- Family Worship 1
- Faithfulness 1
- Extraordinary Office 1
- extemporaneous prayer 1
- Exposition of the Symbole or Creed of the Apostles 1
- Exhortation 1
- evangelicals 1
- fulfillment 1
- Evangelical paradigm 1
- evangelical obedience 1
- evangelical 1
- Ethics 1
- eternal security 1
- Eternal Relations of Authority and Submission 1
- Eternal Functional Subordinationism 1
- eternal functional subordination 1
- ERAS 1
- episcopacy 1
- ep sanders 1
- enmity 1
- English theologian 1
- English Reformation 1
- fruit of the Spirit 1
- GAFCON Australasia 2022 1
- Holy Eucharist 1
- grace-driven obedience 1
- Holy 1
- hittite treaty 1
- historical prologue 1
- higher life 1
- hierus 1
- hiereus 1
- híerateuma 1
- Henry Philpotts 1
- Heinrich Bullinger 1
- hebrews 1
- heart knowledge 1
- headship theology 1
- head knowledge 1
- guilt offering 1
- grace of God 1
- ge mendenhall 1
- German Mass 1526 1
- geerhardus vos 1
- general confession 1
- George Gorham 1
- George Hunsinger 1
- Gerald Bray 1
- German Mass 1
- German pietism 1
- grace and gratitude 1
- glenn beck 1
- Good Friday 1
- good-day-bad-day scenario 1
- gospel and kingdom 1
- gospel-centered hermeneutic 1
- gospel-centrality 1
- Justification and sanctification are conjoined and coherent but distinct 1
- John Fonville 130