Posts Tagged with "heidelberg catechism"

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Zacharias Ursinus on the Differences Between the Law and Gospel

Zacharias Ursinus

In his commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism, Zacharias Ursinus discusses four differences between the law and gospel....

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Zacharias Ursinus: What is the Gospel?

Zacharias Ursinus answering the question, What is the Gospel?...

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Why are the means of grace restricted to Word and sacrament?

J.V. Fesko, in his book, Word, Water and Spirit: A Reformed Perspective on Baptism, explains why the means of grace are restricted to Word and sacrament....

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The Collapsing of the Covenants: Narrow is the Way that Leads to Destruction

Collapsing the covenants into one overarching theme of grace confuses law and gospel and effectively eliminates an explicit law-gospel distinction in Scripture....

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