Posts Tagged with "duplex beneficium"

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Ten Propositions in Response to Lordship Salvation

Ten propositions in response to Lordship Salvation from the book, Christ the Lord: The Reformation and Lordship Salvation....

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Justification and a Divided Church

Justification and a Divided Church- Michael Horton discusses the two distinct positions on justification that continue to divide Protestants and the Roman Catholic Church....

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We Receive A Double Grace

In partaking of Christ by grace alone through faith alone, we receive a double grace, namely justification and sanctification. ...

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"Christ is not divided. You cannot have half a Christ."

Walter Marshall on how true saving faith embraces Christ for both justification and sanctification. He shows that God's grace is twofold (i.e., the duplex [twofold] beneficium [benefit]). Justification is the first benefit (beneficium) and sanctification is the second benefit (beneficium). ...

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Dishonoring the Spirit?

Does placing primary emphasis upon justification for assurance understate the importance and necessity of good works (i.e., sanctification)? Does this emphasis dishonor the Holy Spirit’s indwelling work?...

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