Posts Tagged with "worship"

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Why Use Written Prayers?

1662 BCP General Confession

Why Use Written Prayers?- Why does your church use prewritten prayers in your service? Isn't this a dry, rote, unthinking, way for the church to pray and worship? Don't pre-written prayers stifle the Spirit and hinder freedom and promote mechanical, vain repetition? Aren't spontaneous prayers more genuine and heartfelt than prewritten prayers? ...

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Martin Luther's Primary Concern in Liturgical Reformation

Martin Luther Cranach

Martin Luther's primary concern when constructing the German mass and order of the liturgy in 1526 was that the gospel be proclaimed for the people in their context....

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The Gospel in the Prayer Book

The Gospel in the Prayer Book- Collected short writings by J. I. Packer on The 1662 Book of Common Prayer....

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Thomas Cranmer's Revolution in Worship: Grace and Gratitude

Thomas Cranmer

Thomas Cranmer's Revolution in Worship: Grace and Gratitude...

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The Role of Music in the Worship and Witness of the Church

The Bible sets forth a high view of the role of music in the church’s worship and witness and believers should as well. Why then does the church gather to sing? What is the role of music in the worship and witness of the church? This paper seeks to explore and answer this question....

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