Posts Tagged with "Holy Spirit"

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The Word of God: The Chief Means of Grace


J.V. Fesko on the Word of God as the chief means of grace. ...

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John Calvin: Three Uses of the Moral Law

John Calvin discusses the three uses of the moral law....

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What is "New" about the New Covenant?

In their book, Sacred Bond, Michael Brown and Zach Keele answer the question what is "new" about the new covenant?...

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Zacharias Ursinus on the Differences Between the Law and Gospel

Zacharias Ursinus

In his commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism, Zacharias Ursinus discusses four differences between the law and gospel....

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J.I. Packer on Four Problems of Keswick Teaching

J.I. Packer on Four Problems of Keswick Teaching ...

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Michael Horton: What the Third Use of the Law Can and Cannot Do

Michael Horton on what the third use of the law can and cannot do....

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Confirmation Cannot Be a Sacrament

Confirmation cannot be a sacrament- a means of grace. Rather, confirmation is one's profession of faith- the believer's act, a response to the promise made in baptism....

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Dishonoring the Spirit?

Does placing primary emphasis upon justification for assurance understate the importance and necessity of good works (i.e., sanctification)? Does this emphasis dishonor the Holy Spirit’s indwelling work?...

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Theodore Beza on how the Gospel changes the effect of the preaching of the Law in believers

Theodore Beza on how the Gospel changes the effect of the preaching of the Law in believers....

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