Posts Tagged with "faith alone"

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Ten Propositions

Ten propositions in response to Lordship Salvation....

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Sola Fide: A Most Wholesome Doctrine

According to the Thirty-nine Articles, the Homily of Salvation or Homily of Justification outlines “a most wholesome doctrine”, that “we are justified by Faith only”. Lee Gatiss...

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Graeme Goldsworthy on the Four Reformation Solas

Graeme Goldsworthy on the Four Reformation Solas: Grace alone, Christ alone, Scripture alone, Faith alone....

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John Calvin on the Four Causes of Salvation

John Calvin discusses the four "causes" of salvation (i.e, the efficient cause- God the Father's mercy; the material cause- Christ's obedience/death; the formal/instrumental cause- faith alone; the final cause- the glory of God)....

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