Posts Tagged with "moralism"

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Martin Luther on How to Read the Gospels (Scripture)

This writing of Martin Luther is from the introduction to his “Postils” (a group of model sermons which he wrote while at the Wartburg Castle). This brief foreword is full of comfort and good news. In it, Luther sets forth insightful instruction on how to read the Gospels (and the entirety of Scripture- the OT and NT)....

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Ten Propositions in Response to Lordship Salvation

Ten propositions in response to Lordship Salvation from the book, Christ the Lord: The Reformation and Lordship Salvation....

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The Relationship of the Gospel to Christian Living

Graeme Goldsworthy on the relationship of the gospel to Christian living. ...

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Jerry Bridges: The Greatest Obstacle to the Gospel

Jerry Bridges: The Greatest Obstacle to the Gospel...

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Gerald Bray: WWJD is Impossible to Answer

Gerald Bray: "'What would Jesus do?’ seems like an innocent question to ask, but it is impossible to answer literally and does not reflect the teaching of the New Testament. ...

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Why Do We Like To Be Constantly Told What To Do?

Graeme Goldsworthy explains why we like to be constantly told what we are to do and why we like to be battered and bruised by preachers....

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The Collapsing of the Covenants: Narrow is the Way that Leads to Destruction

Collapsing the covenants into one overarching theme of grace confuses law and gospel and effectively eliminates an explicit law-gospel distinction in Scripture....

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Dishonoring the Spirit?

Does placing primary emphasis upon justification for assurance understate the importance and necessity of good works (i.e., sanctification)? Does this emphasis dishonor the Holy Spirit’s indwelling work?...

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