Posts Tagged with "law and gospel"

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Richard Sibbes on the Difference Between the Law and the Gospel

Richard Sibbes, a 17th Century Anglican theologian, commenting on 2 Corinthians 3 concerning the difference between the law and the gospel....

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Martin Luther on How to Read the Gospels (Scripture)

This writing of Martin Luther is from the introduction to his “Postils” (a group of model sermons which he wrote while at the Wartburg Castle). This brief foreword is full of comfort and good news. In it, Luther sets forth insightful instruction on how to read the Gospels (and the entirety of Scripture- the OT and NT)....

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The Basic Function of the Law

The basic function of the law never changes. What is this function? Read on to find out....

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Godless Preaching

Graeme Goldsworthy explains godless preaching. ...

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The Relationship of the Gospel to Christian Living

Graeme Goldsworthy on the relationship of the gospel to Christian living. ...

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Nowell's Catechism on the Chief Parts of the Word of God

Nowell's Catechism on the Chief Parts of the Word of God...

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James Ussher on the Law and Gospel

James Ussher

In his work, A Body of Divinity, James Ussher sets forth the difference between the law (i.e., covenant of works) and the gospel (i.e., covenant of grace)....

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Zacharias Ursinus on the Differences Between the Law and Gospel

Zacharias Ursinus

In his commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism, Zacharias Ursinus discusses four differences between the law and gospel....

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Understanding the Contrast of “Law” and “Promise” in Galatians 3

Understanding the Contrast of “Law” and “Promise” in Galatians 3....

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Michael Horton: What the Third Use of the Law Can and Cannot Do

Michael Horton on what the third use of the law can and cannot do....

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Gerald Bray: WWJD is Impossible to Answer

Gerald Bray: "'What would Jesus do?’ seems like an innocent question to ask, but it is impossible to answer literally and does not reflect the teaching of the New Testament. ...

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James Ussher on the Difference between the Covenants of Works and Grace

James Ussher, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland for the Church of Ireland (1625-1656) on the difference between the covenant of works and the covenant of grace....

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William Perkins on Seven Differences between the Law and Gospel

The late 16th century Anglican pastor/theologian, William Perkins, on seven differences between the law and gospel....

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The Collapsing of the Covenants: Narrow is the Way that Leads to Destruction

Collapsing the covenants into one overarching theme of grace confuses law and gospel and effectively eliminates an explicit law-gospel distinction in Scripture....

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Law and Gospel: The Chief and Most Expressive Mark of the True Church

Zacharias Ursinus, author of the Heidelberg Catechism, discusses the law and gospel. Ursinus refers to the law and gospel the "chief and most expressive mark of the true church."...

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Theodore Beza on the Law and the Gospel, Part 4

Theodore Beza on the Gospel and its authority, why, how and for what end (purpose) it was written....

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Theodore Beza on the Law and Gospel, Part 3

Theodore Beza on what end (purpose) the Holy Spirit uses the preaching of the Law....

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Theodore Beza on the Law and Gospel, Part 2

Theodore Beza on the similarities and the differences between the Law and the Gospel....

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Theodore Beza on the Law and Gospel, Part 1

Theodore Beza on the two parts of the Word of God....

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Confusing Law and Gospel: A Review of David Platt's book, Radical.

A review of David Platt's book, Radical: Taking Back Your Faith From The American Dream....

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