Posts Tagged with "evangelism"

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Confusing Law and Gospel: A Review of David Platt's book, Radical.

A review of David Platt's book, Radical: Taking Back Your Faith From The American Dream....

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The Role of Music in the Worship and Witness of the Church

The Bible sets forth a high view of the role of music in the church’s worship and witness and believers should as well. Why then does the church gather to sing? What is the role of music in the worship and witness of the church? This paper seeks to explore and answer this question....

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Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God

There often exists a widespread suspicion that belief in the sovereignty of God”"particularly election”"undermines or even inhibits zeal for missions and evangelism. Dr. J.I. Packer in his book, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, persuasively demonstrates that such a misunderstanding is, in his words, “nonsense.” Election, faith, the gospel and evangelism go ...

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