Posts Tagged with "lordship salvation"

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Ten Propositions in Response to Lordship Salvation

Ten propositions in response to Lordship Salvation from the book, Christ the Lord: The Reformation and Lordship Salvation....

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How Do I Know I'm A Christian?

Assurance lies in the very direct act of faith as one is presented with Christ, the object of faith. The reflex act of faith can support our profession but it cannot become the ground our assurance....

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Holiness is not an Option for the Christian

Holiness is not an option for a Christian. ...

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Ten Propositions

Ten propositions in response to Lordship Salvation....

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The Collapsing of the Covenants: Narrow is the Way that Leads to Destruction

Collapsing the covenants into one overarching theme of grace confuses law and gospel and effectively eliminates an explicit law-gospel distinction in Scripture....

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