Posts Tagged with "Ecclesiology"

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Don’t just go to church, be the church!- right?

It is often said, "Don’t just go to church, be the church!"- right? ...

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The Office of Salvation

The Office of Salvation- Hugh Latimer on the importance of the office of preaching....

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The Marks of the Church Point to the Gospel

How do the marks of the church point to the gospel?...

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Why Do Anglicans Refer to Their Ordained Ministers as Priests?

Why do Anglicans refer to their ordained ministers as priest?...

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Revisiting "Every Member a Minister"

There is only one "ministry" but there are multiple vocations. All believers are sheep but not all believers are shepherds. All believers are priests, not all are pastors. All believers have been called by Christ to saving faith but not all believers have been called and entrusted with the one ministry of Christ's church, namely Word and sacrament. All believers are equipp...

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