Posts Tagged with "means of grace"

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The Sacraments as Visible Words

Means of Grace

J.V. Fesko on the sacraments as visible words- a visible proclamation of the gospel....

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The Word of God: The Chief Means of Grace


J.V. Fesko on the Word of God as the chief means of grace. ...

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Worthy Reception of the Lord's Supper

Cranach Last Supper

Martin Luther on the worthy reception of the Lord's Supper....

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Infant Baptism and Discipleship

Infant Baptism

Infant baptism sets Christian discipleship from birth within a covenant context, which means means to understand discipleship as something connected to the ordinary means of God’s grace and the routine work of the church....

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The Marks of the Church Point to the Gospel

How do the marks of the church point to the gospel?...

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 8

Detailed outline of Chapter 8 in The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification...

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 10

Detailed outline of Chapter 10 in The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification...

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 9

Detailed outline of Chapter 9 in The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification...

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 7


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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 13

Detailed outline of Chapter 13 in The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification...

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 12

Detailed outline of Chapter 12 in The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification...

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 1

Detailed chapter outlines of Walter Marshall's book, The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification....

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 2

Detailed outline of Chapter 2 in The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification...

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 3

Detailed outline of Chapter 3 in The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification...

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 4

Detailed outline of Chapter 4 in The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification...

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 5

Detailed outline of Chapter 5 in The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification...

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 6, Part 1

Detailed outline of Chapter 6 in The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification...

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 6, Part 2


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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 11

Detailed outline of Chapter 11 in The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification...

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The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Outlines: Chapter 14

Detailed outline of Chapter 14 in The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification...

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Keeping Baptism Central: How Baptism Transforms Our Daily Lives

To their detriment, it never occurs to a great deal of believers that their baptism has application to their current daily walk. This paper is written to help believers view their baptism as more than an event that happened in their past and to consider how the Scriptures set forth the benefits of baptism for the believer’s daily life....

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COVID Lament

A season of lament. ...

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Baptism Is Far From Automatic

Michael Green discussing The Gorham Judgement and clarifying the Anglican position on baptism and regeneration....

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Confirmation Cannot Be a Sacrament

Confirmation cannot be a sacrament- a means of grace. Rather, confirmation is one's profession of faith- the believer's act, a response to the promise made in baptism....

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Why are the means of grace restricted to Word and sacrament?

J.V. Fesko, in his book, Word, Water and Spirit: A Reformed Perspective on Baptism, explains why the means of grace are restricted to Word and sacrament....

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The Double-Edged Nature of the Gospel and Sacraments

The Double-Edged Nature of God's Revelation- The sacraments are means of grace. However, because they are linked to the covenant and more broadly to divine revelation, they are not always means of grace but sometimes means of judgment apart from a Spirit-wrought faith....

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Theodore Beza on the Law and Gospel, Part 3

Theodore Beza on what end (purpose) the Holy Spirit uses the preaching of the Law....

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