Gospel-Driven Godliness and Church Membership, Part 4

August 18, 2013 Pastor: John Fonville Series: Titus

Scripture: Titus 2:2–2:10

Gospel-Driven Godliness & Church Membership

Part 4


Text: Titus 2:1-10

August 18, 2013




A.         Older men are to live in a way that accords with sound doctrine. v. 2


B.         Older women are to live in a way that accords with sound doctrine. v. 3




C.         Young women are to live in a way that accords with sound doctrine. vv. 4-5


1. Older women are to “train” (bring back to their senses) young women to “love their husbands and children.” v. 4b


2.  Older women are to “train” (bring back to their senses) young women to be “self-controlled.” v. 5a


3.  Older women are to “train” (bring back to their senses) young women to be “pure.” v. 5b


4.  Older women are to “train” (bring back to their senses) young women to be “working at home.” v. 5c


This virtue does not conjure up “a woman whose delight is baking homemade bread, sewing all her family’s clothes and making her pots and pans shine and whose dress is incomplete without an apron,” (Susan Foh, Women and the Word of God: A Response to Biblical Feminism p. 190).

“The virtuous wife of Proverbs 31 illustrates the meaning of ‘home-worker.’ Her activities include travel, commerce, agriculture and charity, but she does not neglect her household. She sees that the needs of her husband and children are met,” (Susan Foh, Women and the Word of God, p. 190).




Only the gospel has the ability to enable young women in the church to live godly lives in an ungodly culture and to prevent them from being adversely influenced and corrupted by its licentious value system.


© John Fonville

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