Demonstrate the Charity of Good Citizenship
September 14, 2014 Pastor: John Fonville Series: Titus
Topic: Titus Scripture: Titus 3:12–3:15
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Demonstrate the Charity of Good Citizenship
Text: Titus 3:12-15
I. Remember The Duties Of Good Citizenship. 3:1-2
II. Remember The Source Of Good Citizenship. 3:3-7
III. Deal With The Threats To Good Citizenship. 3:8-11
IV. Demonstrate the Charity of Good Citizenship. 3:12-15
A. Artemas and Tychicus, 3:12a
B. Zenas and Apollos, v. 13a
C. Cretan Church Members, v. 14
© John Fonville
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More in Titus
January 18, 2015
Demonstrate the Charity of Good Citizenship, Part 2August 31, 2014
Threats To Good Citizenship, Part 4August 24, 2014
Threats To Good Citizenship, Part 3