Threats To Good Citizenship, Part 4
August 31, 2014 Pastor: John Fonville Series: Titus
Scripture: Titus 3:8–3:11
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Text: Titus 3:8-11
I. Remember The Duties Of Good Citizenship.
II. Remember The Source Of Good Citizenship.
III. Deal With The Threats To Good Citizenship. 3:8-11
A. Believers must devote themselves to good works. v. 8
B. Church Leadership Must Avoid Foolish Disputes. v. 9
C. Church Leadership Must Discipline Divisive People. vv. 10-11
1. First Step: Patiently warn division makers a first time.
2. Second Step: Patiently warn division makers a second time.
3. Third Step: Remove divisive people from the church.
1. The peace, purity, unity, witness and mission of the church are dear to God and ought, therefore, to be held in the highest estimation.
2. We must recognize that false teaching advances faster than gospel truth because the sinful heart is more receptive to it (i.e., “Do this and live”).
3. Whether to practice church discipline when and where it is necessary is non-negotiable for churches that are gospel-ordered.
4. The reputation of Christ, His Church and His gospel is the main objective of church discipline.
© John Fonville
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Demonstrate the Charity of Good Citizenship, Part 2September 14, 2014
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Threats To Good Citizenship, Part 3