Gospel-Driven Godliness and Church Leadership, Part 4

February 17, 2013 Pastor: John Fonville Series: Titus

Scripture: Titus 1:6–1:9

Gospel-Driven Godliness and Church Leadership

Part 4


Text: Titus 1:5-16

February 17, 2013




A.         Appoint Godly Leadership in the Church (1:6-9)


I.          Elders must be above reproach in their family life. 1:6


A.         Husband of one wife, v. 6b


B.         Faithful children, v. 6c




II.         Elders must be above reproach in their personal life. 1:7-8


A.         God’s steward


B.         Overseer


C.         Virtue lists


1.         Five Sinful Vices, v. 7


a.         arrogant


b.         quick-tempered


c.          drunkard


d.         violent


e.          greedy for gain


2.         Six Godly Virtues, v. 8


a.         hospitable


b.         a lover of good


c.         self-controlled


d.         upright


e.         holy


f.         disciplined




We must NEVER forget that the deeper source of such a godly life is found in the gospel of grace (2:12).


 © John Fonville

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