Pray This Way: The Divine Pattern of Righteous Prayer, Part 3

October 5, 2014 Pastor: John Fonville Series: The Divine Pattern of Righteous Prayer

Topic: The Lord's Prayer Scripture: Matthew 6:5–6:15

Pray This Way:

The Divine Pattern of Righteous Prayer

Part 3

 Text: Matthew 6:5-15


I.   Jesus condemns unrighteous prayer. 6:5-8

II.  Jesus Commends Righteous Prayer (6:9-13)

    A. Righteous prayer focuses on the adoption of the Father. v. 9b


   B. Righteous prayer focuses on the honor of the Father. v. 9c

       1. Let your Name be honored in our theology.

 Heidelberg Catechism, Q 122: “What is the first petition?”

“Hallowed be Thy Name. That is, enable us rightly to know You,and to hallow, magnify and praise You in all Your works, in which shine forth Your power, wisdom, goodness, justice, mercy and truth (theology). . .”



Coming to understand God the Father as merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin is the way we honor—hallow—His Name.

Is this how you think of God the Father?

Are these the images that are uppermost in your thoughts when you come to your Father in prayer?


© John Fonville

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