Why Be Anglican? Part 2
November 5, 2018 Pastor: John Fonville Series: Why Be Anglican?
Topic: Anglicanism
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This two-part message is my best and humble attempt to answer the question, “Why Be Anglican?” I outline thirteen distinctive features of the Anglican Church. These thirteen distinctive features constitute thirteen reasons for “Why be Anglican?” Anglicanism, as I understand it, is incased in these thirteen distinctive features.
My hope is that these distinctive features will help you to have a better understanding of Reformational Anglicanism. Moreover, I also hope to show why the Anglican Church is a proper place for me in order to be a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ.
In Part 1, I outlined the first five distinctives, which form my basic point of reference to the question, Why Be Anglican? These first five distinctives form the basis for what the 16th century Reformers in England wanted the Anglican Church to be.
1. The Anglican Church is confessional.
2. The Anglican Church is Protestant.
3. The Anglican Church is evangelical.
4. The Anglican Church is catholic.
5. The Anglican Church is Reformed.
In Part 2, I will discuss the final eight distinctive features.
6. The Anglican Church is Historical.
7. The Anglican Church is Liturgical.
8. The Anglican Church is Sacramental.
9. The Anglican Church is Global.
10. The Anglican Church is Generous.
11. The Anglican Church is Normative.
12. The Anglican Church is episcopal.
13. The Anglican Church is Missional.