The "Triumphal" Entry
March 25, 2018 Pastor: John Fonville
Topic: Palm Sunday Scripture: John 12:12–19
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Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem is found in all 4 Gospels. The accounts differ but do not conflict in any way. In Matthew’s account, Matthew tells us that when Jesus enters Jerusalem, the entire city is stirred up (21:10). The crowds are stirred up thinking Jesus is their conquering political king coming to set them free from Roman oppression. The religious establishment is stirred up, fearing that Jesus may usurp their power.
As Jesus enters, Matthew records that the crowds ask, “Who is this?” And some in the crowds said, “This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth of Galilee" (Matt. 21:10-11). To be sure, Jesus is the ultimate prophet (and teacher). However, Jesus, in His triumphant entry into Jerusalem, reveals far more than this. So then, who is Jesus? And, why is His triumphal entry into Jerusalem such an important event?