A Final Gospel Appeal, Part 1
April 15, 2012 Pastor: John Fonville Series: Galatians
Scripture: Galatians 6:11–6:18
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A Final Gospel Appeal
Part 1
Text: Galatians 6:11-18
I. Paul reiterates his authenticity and authority as an apostle. vv. 11, 17
A. Paul’s style of writing, v. 11
B. Paul’s suffering for the gospel, v. 17
II. Paul reiterates the sufficiency of the cross. vv. 12-14
A. Circumcision, vv. 12-13
“The gospel is the message about Jesus in His life, death, and resurrection. It is the distinct work of God the Son, who, by His Incarnation, becomes for us son of God, a role attested to by His resurrection"" (Graeme Goldsworthy, Preaching the Whole Bible As Christian Scripture, p. 83).
Why did the Judaizers compel that the Galatians be circumcised?
1. Praise and commendation of others, v. 12a, 13b
2. Fear of persecution, v. 12b
B. Cross, v. 14
“Today, after almost two millennia of the cross as a sacred symbol, it is difficult for Christians to appreciate the repugnance and horror with which the cross was viewed among both Jews and Gentiles in the first century…The only things comparable in our day would be venerating an electric chair or wearing a hangman’s noose around our necks as a symbol of our religious devotion” (Richard Longenecker, Galatians, p. 294).
Why would Paul boast in such a repugnant, horror-filled, foolish symbol?
“…the gospel of Christ crucified so completely rules out any other supposed means of being righteous before God that Paul found it utterly incomprehensible for anyone who has once embraced such a gospel to ever think of supplementing it in any way. For to behold before one’s eyes ‘Jesus Christ having been crucified’ is to put an end to all forms of legalism” (and to destroy any notion of license-J.F); Richard Longenecker, Galatians, p. 294).
© John Fonville
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A Final Gospel Appeal, Part 4April 29, 2012
A Final Gospel Appeal, Part 3April 22, 2012
A Final Gospel Appeal, Part 2