Why Then The Law?, Part 5
September 26, 2010 Pastor: John Fonville Series: Galatians
Scripture: Galatians 3:19–3:22
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Why Then the Law?
Part 5
Text: Galatians 3:19-22
September 21, 2010
“It seems to be a trivial matter to mingle law and gospel, faith and works together, but this does more damage than human reason can imagine. Not only does it mar and obscure the knowledge of grace, but it also removes Christ and all His blessings, and it completely overthrows the Gospel…” (Luther’s Works, vol. 26, pp. 54-55; Galatians, p. 25).
I. The Law was Added to Reveal sin. v. 19A
II. The Law was Ordained through Mediation. vv. 19c-20
III. The Law was Temporary. v. 19b
IV. The Law cannot grant life. v. 21
“There is a cursed bias in the heart of man to lean to something in himself. Is not this the language of thy heart many times? O! If I had such a frame, such a melting of heart, such love, such a degree of humility and obedience, then I think God would accept of me, and love me on that account. But, Sirs, let me tell you, it is not on account of anything wrought in you, or done by you, but only on the account of the doing and dying of the Son of God,” (Ebenezer Erskine, Gospel Truth, p. 264).
“Those who seek to be justified by law are under the curse (i.e., sanctions) of that law, because this covenant does not grade on a curve but requires absolute, perfect, personal obedience to everything in it,” (Michael Horton, God of Promise, p. 38).
“Such a proper distinction between the function of the Law and that of the Gospel keeps all genuine theology in its correct use,” (Martin Luther, Luther’s Works, vol. 26, p. 331).
“Christ…is the Alpha and Omega of my life, the beginning and the end of it; the author and finisher of it; Christ is the principle of my life, from whom I live: Christ is the end of my life, to whom I live…Christ is the giver of my life, the maintainer of my life, the restorer of my life…Christ is the food of my life; I would die, if He did not feed me with his flesh, which is living bread and water to me: Christ is the medicine of my life…Christ is the All of my life…He is my light, my strength, my righteousness. It is the glory of the believer to acknowledge Christ the Alpha and the Omega…the All of his spiritual life,” (Ralph Erskine, The Works of Ralph Erskine, vol. 2, pp. 38-39).
Law-Death - Gospel-life
© John Fonville
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