How To Keep Going, Part 3
February 9, 2021 Pastor: John Fonville Series: How To Keep Going
Topic: Perseverance Scripture: Psalm 6:1-10
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Have you ever experienced a dark night of the soul? How do you keep going when you are walking in darkness and do not see any light of your own? Today, we will look at Psalm 6.
Psalm 6 is the first of what is referred to as the penitential Psalms. King David writes about a time in his life that he experienced a dark night of the soul. He wrote this Psalm during a time in his life when he was overwhelmed with some unspecified sin he had committed.
David laments over his sense of sin and expresses the spiritual, emotional and physical afflictions that flowed from it. Perhaps you feel like David right now? If so, take heart. Those who have experienced a dark night of the soul (or will experience it) can immediately identify with David’s lament and be comforted. It is comforting to know that we are not alone in experiencing such a dark time when we struggle with our remaining sin as believers.
David’s dark night of the soul was miserable but it was not hopeless. God was still WITH David and FOR David despite David’s sin and failure. The LORD heard David’s cry for deliverance and was faithful to Him. He will hear your cry for deliverance as well. He will be faithful and give mercy and grace to His people when they call upon Him.
More in How To Keep Going
February 14, 2021
How To Keep Going, Part 4January 24, 2021
How To Keep Going, Part 2January 19, 2021
How To Keep Going, Part 1