The Centrality of Baptism: Trinitarian, Part 3
May 27, 2018 Pastor: John Fonville Series: Two Keys To Spiritual Growth
Topic: Sacraments Scripture: Matthew 28:18–20
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Baptism is to play a central role in the life of a disciple (i.e., a life-long learner). Baptism is very important for the growth of your faith—as long as you use baptism the way God intended for you to use it. So, we are currently examining five vital truths about baptism. These five truths underscore the central role that baptism serves in the believer’s spiritual growth. In addition, these five truths will help you understand how to use baptism the way God intends.
Thus far, we have seen that baptism doesn't save. Jesus saves. Therefore, in order to use baptism the way God intended, we must guard against trusting in it rather than Christ for salvation. Second, we learned that baptism is a visible gospel. In order to use baptism correctly, we must avoid remodeling it into a legal work. Baptism is pure gospel and by no means a legal rite.
Third, we have learned that baptism is initiation into the visible church. No one is baptized into isolation. Rather, by virtue of baptism the individual is destined for membership, for integration into a community. This means that the individual renounces his isolated existence and is joined to the body of Christ, the covenant community.
Today we will examine the Trinitarian nature of baptism from Jesus' words of institution in Matthew 28:18-20, popularly referred to as the Great Commission. Baptism is Trinitarian. Baptism takes place in the sphere of the revelation of the Triune God. As we have learned, discipleship begins with baptism and at the very beginning of being made a disciple, one is confronted with the revelation of God as a Trinity. We are literally baptized into a Trinitarian life of discipleship. Today, we will examine three important observations about the Trinitarian nature of baptism.
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