Do This In Remembrance Of Me
February 25, 2018 Pastor: John Fonville Series: Two Keys To Spiritual Growth
Topic: Sacraments Scripture: Luke 22:19–20
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On the eve before Jesus’ death on the cross, He instituted a special meal for His church to continually observe. He said to His disciples, "Do this in remembrance of Me." Many Christians have taken Jesus’ command to mean that during communion, we are to do our best to remember/recollect the story of Christ’s death. To be sure, there is a memorial aspect to this meal since Jesus said, “Do this in remembrance of Me” (Luke 22:19). “Remembering” the past work of Christ is a good thing! But, did Jesus simply intend to say by this command, “Do this meal in order to be reminded of me”? How are we to understand Jesus’ command, “Do this in remembrance of Me?” What is the significance of “remembering?”
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