Threats To Good Citizenship, Part 1
July 27, 2014 Pastor: John Fonville Series: Titus
Scripture: Titus 3:8–3:11
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Threats To Good Citizenship
Part 1
Text: Titus 3:8-11
I. Remember The Duties Of Good Citizenship. 3:1-2
II. Remember The Source Of Good Citizenship. 3:3-7
III. Deal With The Threats To Good Citizenship. 3:8-11
A. Christians must devote themselves to good works. v. 8
1. Motivation for good works, v. 8a
2. Devotion to good works, v. 8b
3. Goal of good works, v. 8c
© John Fonville
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Please include the following statement on any distributed copy: By John Fonville
More in Titus
January 18, 2015
Demonstrate the Charity of Good Citizenship, Part 2September 14, 2014
Demonstrate the Charity of Good CitizenshipAugust 31, 2014
Threats To Good Citizenship, Part 4