Gospel-Driven Godliness and Church Leadership, Part 11
April 28, 2013 Pastor: John Fonville Series: Titus
Scripture: Titus 1:10–1:16
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Gospel-Driven Godliness and Church Leadership
Part 11
Text: Titus 1:10-16
“The only purpose of the doctrine [of the church- J.F.] is to preserve the gospel of freedom, not to preserve the doctrine to the point of extinguishing freedom. In other words, one holds the doctrine because one wants to, not because one has to. For the doctrine preserves precisely that story of freedom that we have been trying to set forth. Without the life, death, [burial-J.F.] and resurrection of Jesus and all they imply about His relationship to God and His coming kingdom, without all that, there is no freedom. The doctrine protects the story from being watered down and lost,” (Gerhard Forde, Where God Meets Man, p. 121).
I. The Characteristics of False Teachers
A. False teachers are insubordinate. v. 10
B. False teachers are empty talkers. v. 10
C. False teachers are deceivers. v. 10
D. False teachers are destructive. v. 11
E. False teachers are greedy. v. 11
F. False teachers are a reflection of fallen culture. vv. 12-13a
G. False teachers are devoted to man-made laws. vv. 13b-14
H. False teachers are defiled. v. 15
I. False teachers are ignorant of God. v. 16a
J. False teachers are detestable. v. 16
K. False teachers are disobedient. v. 16
L. False teachers are disqualified. v. 16
1. What makes a work “good?”
a. For a work to be “good” it must proceed from true faith.
b. For a work to be a “good” it must be commanded by God.
c. For a work to be a “good” it must be done for God’s glory.
2. How can God be pleased with the good works that we do?
a. The believer’s “good works” are pleasing to God because they are the fruit of Christ’s redemption. Titus 2:14
b. The believer’s “good works” are pleasing to God because they proceed from the Holy Spirit’s purifying work of regeneration. Titus 3:4-6
c. The believer’s “good works” are pleasing to God because of justification. Titus 3:7-8
1. A Christian doesn't need the gospel just for the guilt of his or her sin but also for his or her ""good works.”
2. A Christian must never put any confidence in or ascribe any glory to the righteousness of his or her good works.
3. A Christian is free to do good works without having to second guess whether his or her works are acceptable to God.
© John Fonville
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