He Came For Sinners, Part 3
December 16, 2012 Pastor: John Fonville Series: He Came For Sinners
Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:12–1:17
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He Came For Sinners
Part 3
December 17, 2012
Text: 1 Timothy 1:12-17
Who is Christmas for?
I. Paul lived with a clear and definite understanding that he was great sinner. vv. 13a, 15b
A. Paul’s Past Life as an Unbeliever, v. 13a
B. Paul’s Present Life as a Believer, v. 15b
“The truth is rather that when we are convicted of sin by the Holy Spirit, an immediate result is that we give up all such comparisons. Paul was so vividly aware of his own sins that he could not conceive that anybody could be worse. It is the language of every sinner whose conscience has been awakened and disturbed by the Holy Spirit. We may begin like the Pharisee in Jesus’ parable, ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men’, but we end like the tax collector who beat his breast and said (literally), ‘God have mercy on me, the sinner.’ The Pharisee indulged in odious comparisons; as far as the tax collector was concerned, however, there were no other sinners with whom to compare himself; he was the one and only,” (1 Timothy & Titus, p. 53).
II. Paul lived with a clear and definite understanding that Christ is a great Savior. vv. 13b-15a, 16
1. Paul’s faithful saying dispels doubt and provides great comfort and assurance.
2. Paul’s conversion convinces us that no sinner is beyond the reach of God’s saving grace.
3. Paul’s gratitude and praise was rooted in and motivated by the gospel.
© John Fonville
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He Came For Sinners