An Authoritative Model of Gospel-Driven Ministry, Part 2
October 7, 2012 Pastor: John Fonville Series: Titus
Scripture: Titus 1:1–1:4
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An Authoritative Model of
Gospel-Driven Ministry
Part 2
Text: Titus 1:1-4
I. A gospel-driven ministry is devoted to the service of the gospel. 1:1a-b
II. A gospel-driven ministry is devoted to the goal of the gospel. 1:1c-3a
What is the goal(s) of the gospel?
What is the goal(s) of a gospel-driven ministry?
A. Faith, 1:1c
What is faith?
Where does faith come from?
What constitutes genuine saving faith?
“Christ wants you to believe in him who justifies the ungodly; He does not require you to be godly before you believe (Romans 4:5). Jesus came as a Physician for the sick. He does not expect them to recover their health before they come to Him (Matthew 9:12). The vilest sinners are properly qualified and prepared for the gospel’s design, which is to show forth the exceeding riches of grace when God pardons their sins and saves them freely (Ephesians 2:5-7)…Jesus loved you in your most disgusting, sinful corruption, and He died for you. He will receive you when come to Him for the salvation that he has purchased for you. Jesus has given full satisfaction to the justice of God for sinners, so that they might have salvation, righteousness, and holiness through fellowship with Him by faith” (Walter Marshall, The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification, p. 103).
© John Fonville
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