Do You Not Know?, Part 9
September 16, 2012 Pastor: John Fonville Series: Do You Not Know?
Topic: Sexuality Scripture: Genesis 6:9-20
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Do You Not Know?
Part 9
Text: 1 Cor. 6:9-20
What is the goal of sexual purity?
How do you flee sexual immorality and glorify God in your body?
I. You do not glorify God by legal holiness.
“If we constantly tell people what they should do in order to get their lives in order, we place a terrible legalistic burden on them. Of course we should obey God; of course we should love Him with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. *Of course we should flee sexual immorality and glorify God in our body. The Bible tells us so. But if we ever give the impression that these things are possible to do on our own, not only do we make the gospel irrelevant, but we suggest that the law is in fact a lot weaker in its demands than it really is. Legalism demeans the law by reducing its standards to the level of our competence…” (Graeme Goldsworthy, Preaching the Whole Bible as Christian Scripture, p. 118, *my insertions).
“*In practical terms, if pastors and Christian leaders set forth practical steps for avoiding sexual sin in a way that implies that conformity is simply a matter of understanding and being obedient, then we are being legalists and we risk undoing the very thing we want to build up. We may achieve the outward semblance of conformity to the Biblical pattern of sexual purity, but we do so at the expense of the gospel of grace that alone can produce a sexually pure life. To say that we should follow seven steps for sexual purity and not ground these imperatives clearly and self-consciously in what God has done about our failure to be or do perfectly as He wills in the area of sexual purity is to reject the grace of God and to lead people to seek after self-help and self-improvement in a way that, to call a spade a spade, is godless” (Ibid, p. 119, *I have paraphrased Goldworthy's comments to fit the context of 1 Corinthians 6).
“Is it possible to preach a Christian sermon (or write a Christian article on pursuing sexual purity) without mentioning Jesus,” (Ibid, p. 115)?
Do you not know that law can do no more in sanctification than it could in justification?
II. You glorify God by gospel holiness.
“Much of the glory of God may be seen, by an enlightened eye, in creation, much in His providential rule and care over His creatures; but the brightness of His glory (John i. 18; Heb. i. 3) the express and full discovery of His perfections, can only be known by Jesus Christ, and the revelation which God has given of Himself to the world by Him. (cf. John Newton, Sermon XVIII in The Works of John Newton, vol. 4, pp. 212-213).
Do you understand your adoption?
Do you realize you are a new creation in Christ?
Do you realize that you have been set apart by God for God?
Do you know that you are not only declared not guilty but also reckoned as if you had never had nor committed any sin and are a perfect law-keeper?
Do you dwell daily on the fact that your body is destined for resurrection?
Do you live with a self-conscious awareness that you are in union with Jesus?
Do you think of yourself as the temple of the Holy Spirit and stay focused on the reality of God’s indwelling presence in your life?
Do you know that your body belongs to God and His purchased possession?
Soli do Gloria! Amen.
© John Fonville
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More in Do You Not Know?
September 9, 2012
Do You Not Know?, Part 8September 2, 2012
Do You Not Know?, Part 7August 19, 2012
Do You Not Know?, Part 6