Behind The Leather Chair

December 4, 2011 Pastor: John Fonville

Behind the Leather Chair


Text: Selected Scriptures

December 5, 2011




Four elements of worship:


1.         Adoration

2.         Trust

3.         Invocation

4.         Thanksgiving




“The worship that God requires of us is not so focused on the glory of God that it is oblivious to our need, because our need is for Him, and God having created us for Himself is glorified in our turning to Him in time of need. He is glorified when He is praised as our Help and our Savior. The glory of God is open to human need” (Give Praise to God, p. 421).


“believe that Christ was given, not for the holy, worthy, and righteous, and such as were His friends, but for wicked sinners, for the unworthy, and for His enemies which have deserved God’s wrath, and everlasting death” (Martin Luther, Commentary on Galatians (Kregel), p. 13).


“Hold this fast, and suffer not thyself to be drawn away by any means from this most sweet definition of Christ, which rejoiceth the very angels in heaven: that is to say, that Christ is no Moses, no lawgiver, no tyrant, but a mediator for sins, a free giver of grace, righteousness, and life: who gave Himself, not for our merits, righteousness, and godly life, but for our sins” (Martin Luther, Galatians (Kregel), p. 13).




The question then before all of us this morning is simply this: Are you standing ready in faith for Christ to serve you? 


© John Fonville

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