Why Then The Law?, Part 4
September 5, 2010 Pastor: John Fonville Series: Galatians
Scripture: Galatians 3:19–3:22
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Why Then the Law?
Part 4
Text: Galatians 3:19-22
September 5, 2010
I. The Law was added to Reveal Sin. v. 19a
II. The Law was ordained through mediaton. vv. 19b-20
III. The Law was temporary. v. 19b
A. The Law was temporary in its duration. v. 19b
B. The Law was temporary in its function. v. 19b
What role(s) does the law play in our daily lives?
1. The moral law, like the Mosaic Covenant, exposes our sin as transgressions and drives us to Christ.
2. The moral law guides us in our daily lives.
3. The moral law directs us to rely upon the enabling power of the Holy Spirit.
Since we have been set free from the curse of the law and God has imputed to us the perfect satisfaction, righteousness and holiness of Christ, here are two benefits of this good news for our daily lives:
1. we are now free to obey the law for the first time in our lives.
2. we can live our lives with confidence and joy.
“Therefore, as we ourselves, when we have been engrafted in Christ, are righteous in God’s sight because our iniquities are covered by Christ’s sinlessness, so our works are righteous and are thus regarded because whatever fault is otherwise in them is buried in Christ’s purity, and is not charged to our account. Accordingly, we can deservedly say that by faith alone not only we ourselves but our works as well are justified,” (John Calvin, Institutes, 3.17.10; emphasis mine).
“He will see the faith, and pass by the failing. The gospel remits the severity of the moral law. Wherein our personal obedience comes short, God will be pleased to accept us in our Surety. ‘He hath made us accepted in the Beloved.’ Eph. 1:6. Though our obedience be imperfect, yet, through Christ our Surety, God looks upon it as perfect. That very service which God’s law might condemn, His mercy is pleased to crown, by virtue of the blood of our Mediator” (Thomas Watson, The Ten Commandments, p. 47).
“When we pray to God for His blessing, He does not examine our performance to see if we are worthy. Rather, He looks to see if we are trusting in the merit of His Son as our only hope for securing His blessing. To repeat: We are saved by grace, and we are to live by grace every day of our Christian lives,” (Jerry Bridges, The Discipline of Grace, p. 19).
“We should not plead here that we are unworthy- for it is not a question of offering our prayers on the basis of our own dignity but only on the basis of the excellence and dignity of Jesus Christ, whose righteousness is ours by faith. Since the apostle for good reason wants us to get rid of this foolish fear-- or rather, this unbelief-- he says to us that Jesus Christ was ""made like His brothers in all things,"" that He might be a high priest who is merciful and faithful to purify the sins of the people,” (The Belgic Confession, Article 26).
© John Fonville
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