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Adoption is Greater Mercy

Thomas Watson, "Adoption is greater mercy than Adam had in paradise."...

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The Sunday Next Before Easter or Palm Sunday?

Why does the 1662 BCP have "The Sunday Next Before Easter" rather than "Palm Sunday?"...

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The Basic Function of the Law

The basic function of the law never changes. What is this function? Read on to find out....

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How Do Believers Respond to the Moral Law?

How do believers respond to the moral law?...

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Sailing and the Christian Life

Sailing and the Christian life....

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John Calvin: Three Uses of the Moral Law

John Calvin discusses the three uses of the moral law....

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Godless Preaching

Graeme Goldsworthy explains godless preaching. ...

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Ten Propositions in Response to Lordship Salvation

Ten propositions in response to Lordship Salvation from the book, Christ the Lord: The Reformation and Lordship Salvation....

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Why St. Patrick Came Back to Ireland

Why St. Patrick came back to Ireland in his own words....

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How Do I Know I'm A Christian?

Assurance lies in the very direct act of faith as one is presented with Christ, the object of faith. The reflex act of faith can support our profession but it cannot become the ground our assurance....

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