Post Category: Justification

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Justification and a Divided Church

Justification and a Divided Church- Michael Horton discusses the two distinct positions on justification that continue to divide Protestants and the Roman Catholic Church....

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Thomas Cranmer: Justification Sola Gratia, Sola Fide is catholic

In his homily, A Sermon of the Salvation of Mankind, Thomas Cranmer quotes from many scholars and sources to convince us of the catholicity or universality of justification sola fide....

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Two Radically Different Views of Salvation

Two Radically Different Views of Salvation: Thirty Nine Articles, Articles 11-13 & The Council of Trent: Chapter 7: The Causes of this justification are; Session 6, Canons 9, 11-12...

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Sola Fide: A Most Wholesome Doctrine

According to the Thirty-nine Articles, the Homily of Salvation or Homily of Justification outlines “a most wholesome doctrine”, that “we are justified by Faith only”. Lee Gatiss...

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Dispositional Soteriology: Jonathan Edwards on Justification by Faith Alone

George Hunsinger shows how Jonathan Edwards crosses the fine line laid down by the Reformation concerning justification sola fide. Edwards taught that works are not simply external evidence that faith exists. Rather, works are necessary to the efficacy of faith. Works, as the external expression of faith, play a role in justification....

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